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Sex doll story and realistic sex doll function Most plump realistic sex dolls are measured because they represent the different ideas of other users. This is just to make your face and body beautiful, as well as the basic requirements for different types of breasts, pupil colors, and when you need to install them. In addition to the appearance, real dolls will be used for decoration. From Jiaxin's car model to the round red net, the name and characters will match. The only thing in common is that they have no bristles, and of course no pores or scars. The feet are mostly small and blunt. For the factory, the first activity is to check that everyone needs a good partner. However, it has gradually been discovered that silicone dolls with sexual functions do not only exist as sex products. In addition to sexual function, more and more people are considering their emotional and psychological needs. European and American factories have also developed simulated dolls with body temperature and dialogue functions. Recently, many foreign media reported such news: "Chinese A Cup Sex Doll: you need to discuss with her, she can help you wash the dishes." Usually he would freshen up the cherry blossoms, buy clothes, and put on underwear after the shower. He feels that his own position is not high. "The kids reject me "Whenever I go home and look forward to my wife and daughter coming home, even if I rent a room, there will be a certain kind of warmth. We will eat at the table and my wife will listen to me quietly. The problems and problems that I encounter at work and Interesting things, I will never be impatient, always show a warm smile. "" "I will dress her carefully according to my wishes, and I will not worry about whether I will be betrayed. Sharp words from friends. Two years ago, his wife died of cancer. He finds it difficult to get married and is worried that no one will be a child. He will change the doll to the image of his wife. They live like ordinary couples. He danced with his wife at home, and now jumped into the living room with a few pounds of WM doll. When the doll's hands and feet are released, it will be sad. From there I can really feel that the doll is already a true companion. Although these lines have the nature of a prosthetic limb, it is just a sex toy without emotion. In Japan, more and more men live in simulated dolls, and some even marry dolls. Ozaki Yuki, a 45-year-old physical therapist, said that he was in love when he first saw Susan by the window. He bought it and brought it back to Tokyo. His wife was very opposed to it at first, but she was used to it. When her daughter became smart, she was disgusted to learn that she knew the real purpose of the doll, but now she can wear clothes with the doll. Another 62-year-old Senji Nakajima (Senji Nakajima) said of a doll in the bath: People only ask themselves what they want, such as money or promises. But every time I come back to Saori, I feel happy. It always makes me feel comfortable. For me, this is a private lesson. Nowadays, everything has become very smart, people have become more and more isolated, they continue to invent new ways to comfort themselves, even silicone dolls have become smarter, learn to smile, learn to use Baidu's answers to comfort their owners. . So Tu Ku found a manufacturer of silicone simulation has developed a basic model, each user can choose: 100cm sex dolls have their own background and attributes, and support the settings of each doll. From Jiaxin car model to Yuanyuan Red Net, there is no need to add WeChat. You don’t need to work hard to create a theme. You can keep the perfect girl in your heart. Different heads of different shapes can be combined, and even the colors of pupils and wigs can be selected.

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